My Story

     My road to weight loss and overall health has been long and somewhat bumpy road. It hasn't always been easy. I started out like any other kid: happy, healthy, normal weight but as I got a little bit older (about 3rd and 4th grade) I seemed to have trouble shedding some of that extra baby fat. I was slightly chubby but it was nothing to cause concern. However, some of my fellow classmates didn't feel the same. I got mocked and made fun of frequently and by the 5th grade it had begun to take it's toll. I discovered the power of food and how I could make myself feel better with eating. I dug myself an even deeper hole and by the time I reached 7th grade, I was no longer just dealing with an extra 10-15lbs, I was dealing with an extra 30 or 40. As I continued through middle school and got into high school, it continued to get worse. I made half hearted attempts to lose weight, but by the time I reached my senior year I was at 240 lbs and I could barely run around the block let alone try to run a mile or two. I completely gave up. I didn't date, I didn't care about my appearance and I was miserable. I'm not completely sure what pant size I was because I stopped wearing women's jeans after reaching a 16 and started wearing men's. They fit much better and at the time, they didn't have all of the wonderful plus sized options for women that they do now.
      After I graduated, I hit my rock bottom and decided it was time to take control. I started out slowly by going for daily walks and slowly increasing my mileage until I was up to 5 miles per day. I became a walking machine and didn't miss a day. Then I started jogging in little increments until I was up to a half an hour jogs each day. I joined Lifetime Fitness and became a regular and began to familiarize myself with healthy options. Slowly the weight melted off and by the time that I turned 20, I was down to 170 lbs and felt better than I had ever felt in my life! Many girls gain the freshman 15 in college, I lost the freshman/sophomore 70. I had plans to continue my weight loss, but life seemed to start to get in the way. I turned 21 and started going out. I also stared dating a lot more. For the next 7 years I would teeter between 175 and 190. I can proudly say I never got to 200 again but I was still pretty frustrated.
      Over the past few years, I have really gotten into running and completed a few 5Ks. Pretty impressive for someone who couldn't run around the block at one point in time. Then this winter, after turning 28, I decided to really challenge myself and sign up for a half marathon in an effort to really push myself to the next level. I completed it on March 17, 2012. When I crossed the finish line, I teared up knowing fully well all of the effort it has taken me to get to where I am. I'm currently at 164 lbs, the smallest I've ever been. For the first time in my life I am finally within the healthy weight range for my height (the high range, but within the range). Running has really taught me that health is about so much more than weight. There are people half my size that I could run laps around now. I still have a goal of getting down to 145 and hopefully wearing a bikini for the first time in my life but for now I just try to focus on eating well and taking care of my body while still enjoying life. Balance is the key!
Summer 2011, 170 lbs
Fall 2002, 240 lbs

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